We’ll help you find scrap copper, so you can get weighed and get paid!
We get calls and questions all the time from customers wanting to know where to look for or how to to find scrap metal for recycling. Copper is on the top of the list of many of our customers! Its value has grown consistently over the years.
Below, we’ve outlined a few legal ways (we can not accept any sort of stolen or questionable scrap materials for recycling, and furthermore we will report you to the police if you try this) for you to find some quality copper scrap:
Plumbing projects are a great source for scrap copper. Many newer housing projects use PVC pipes to replace the old copper pipes. Check with family members that are upgrading their plumbing and see if you can have their recycled copper. Another good source of scrap copper is hot water heaters. When someone you know is getting rid of theirs, see if you can take it off of their hands. Just make sure that you’ve removed the valuable metals from the non-valuable metals.
Remodeling projects are another great source of copper. Anytime someone upgrades their house, chances are some copper scrap will be leftover from the process. Just make sure to work with the designer or contractor to help with the cleanup! Get their blessing, and you should be walking out of there with some scrap.
Garage sales are a good place to get scrap copper for cheap. Although you may have to spend some money to make money, many people have no idea what type of metal is used to make household items. Copper scrap is paid for by the pound, so be sure you aren’t spending more buying the item then you will receive!
Check out craigslist from time to time as many people are giving away items and all you have to do is go pick them up. As long as you know what you are looking for you could have another gold mine here in craigslist.
As with any metal collecting, make sure that you get a signed “bill of sale” or other type of written agreement when picking it up. If you’ve got the time and motivation, you could definitely make some good money by bringing us some quality copper!
Questions? Call us at (804) 271-1239 or contact us online!